Tuesday, January 15


Well this weeks little extra with the DCM Crew was a tribute to Gillian and Lynne who have decided to move on with their talents for whatever reasons - and Good Luck to them. They do know where we all are and hopefully will never be too far away!! Don't be strangers girls.

My contribution was inspired by some of the shaped cards and tryptych styles that Gillian favours and goes back to a style of stamping I used to do alot of (and clearly still have the stamps for - lol) I call it my Somerset Studio Phase and those in the know will know exactly what I mean. A friend and I renamed it the Lincolnshire Outhouse Influence as a kind of localised version as I was living over that way at the time and we were trying to think what the UK version of SS would be - ROFL. Still makes me laugh like a drain thinking about it. We were going to start a magazine and that was its working title - do you think it would have sold well?

Anyway enough inanity some pictures

Well thats all for now - nose back to the grindstone with a very boring document indeed.



Anonymous said...

Wonderful work. :)

Pearl said...

lovely take on Gill's style !

Rika said...

This is great!