Friday, September 8

Snoozy Suzie

Is fast asleep and I have had nearly an hour and a quarter to myself - not sure what to do - lol.

We are off out in a bit to buy new shoes for little miss toddle toes, she just loves it running around and now prefers to walk than crawl - alothough she gets cross when she is in a skirt and it gets in the way!

My neightbour has just been round for a cup of tea with her two - one little 4 week old who seems tiny but is twice the size Cait was - I can hardly recall how tiny she was have to look at photies.

Our crafting holiday in October is creeping ever closer - eek around 3 or 4 weeks I think. Have another craft day in Brum first on 16th so looking forward to that as well. There is to be another bring and buy so I best sort myself out and get a few things into baggies for the sale - another opportunity to downsize! We'll see this wedding order is giving me nighmares at the moment and I may have to go into Harborne at the weekend to sort out the ribbon for it - eek.

Today though is shoes and maybe some clothes for bubba - we are off to see what Asda has to offer :-)


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