Monday, December 17

Brrr and Double Brrr

Well it is here, been sitting here working wrapped in a big fleecy blanket - thank goodness for home working is all I can say!!!

Not much crafty stuff going on this weekend as we were on the Santa Run to the Relatives which was fun - at least my parents have had the time to put a tree up and had a special little one for Cait to decorate! We left her with them and I managed to finish off my shopping in Chester which was a bit of a relief as there is now no pressure on - well except for getting the veggies - and thats not really hard is it!

How is everyone else doing? I am managing to feel fairly relaxed at the moment but the decs need to find their way down from the loft and we need to go and buy a tree - I may bob out at Lunchtime tomorrow and sort that one out!


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