Monday, May 14

Ha Housework

You have got to be kidding Sue - I only do housework once a month on the theory that they only muck it up again afterwards - lol. I wash and dry clothes and cart them up and downstairs and I Cook & Shop. The bathroom and kitchen get done about once a week and everything else gets done once a month - Yes it can be a tip but the reality is I work, I play with Cait and I need craft to keep me sane so if anyone wants it doing they can DIY. It is getting to that time of the month again though where a blitz is required.

New stash up there isn't it just fabby!!! Been up to all sorts so hence no time to blog!! Well thats my excuse. Did some competition cards for Bex's Tandastamps Compy and more cards and more shopping - lovely stash arrived from the US in about 3 days including the weekend - just so exciting and I have too much to do to play :-( I challenged myself to try and use up some freebie papers I got and actually really enjoyed myself as it was quite a striking colour combo - bit stronger than my normal. We went out to the Stamp Bug at Cirencester yesterday - boy did it rain - it was like Noah!!! The road surface water was amazing. And so were my bargains :-). I managed to get around £90 worth of stuff for £41 so pleased with myself. But I had best stop spending now as the visa bill this month just came in - and yes it did Thud - lol not all me though - J's season ticket is on there for the footie as is a TV that went back and should be credited so that brings it down a fair chunk. Will have to make sure the repayment for the TV doesn't muck up the payments. I just had to put the car and house insurance on it as well s next month is not going to get better - lol. Still lots of lovely Tesco points :-).

Right I am now officially freezing - off to put the heating on and whip out t the post office with a few things



Hazel said...

What super cards!

I'm with you on the housework one - because of my back I've now had to agree to having someone in to do some cleaning, so have had to have a real tidy up this morning ready for them coming this afternoon. Then my craft stuff will come out again and there'll be just as much clutter, but clean clutter!

Wendy - Anntaurus said...

The cards are fab!! Those flourishes amongst your new stash look gorgeous!!

Jo said...

lol I don't do much housework, no sooner than it is tidy than one of the little cherubs has untidied it... Love your cards, they are gorgeous and how fab is that piccie of Cait on the box :)

I am in a state of shock though *faints* that there is a shop within driving distance that I have never been to.... We must practically drive past it when we come up to Leamington... and we are visiting on Saturday and they are closed!!!

jo xx