Saturday, March 24

Wot a week

Well OK its over now but it was a bit of a nightmare - least said soonest mended tho!

I have managed a fair bit of card making but nothing else - will get them uploaded later if I get a chance to. I got some lovely stash the other day in LB Crafts including some almost tapestry style clear stamps which I love the effect of. Also some of the Brilliances where they have added the gold - the rocket red and gold and also the olive green and Gold - which is just gorgeous its like an antique gold kind of colour rather than green. So had a nice play with those - still want to do some more as I bought some little square stamps and I want to play more with the tapestry ones.

I still have a couple of photo albums to update as well so I think that will be next on the list which will be good for the UKS scrap pages count as they are 8x8. They won't be anything much to write home about though.

Been to the allotment digging today and planting up some potatoes - everything is very behind compared to last year as it has been so wet - we had a mud pond for a while - thankfully nothing was planted though.

Got to plant up some seeds into a a little hot house as well - got some in the green house thingy at the moment which are coming along nicely so tomorrow I am planning phase two of allotment planning - If I plan to plan I can't fail - or something like that (only planners will get that joke - ha ha ha)

Little Mooch hasn't had a particularly interesting day today - she stayed home and Mummy bobbed off all over the place - but I did bring her some bits back from the NCT sale which she was pleased with some stickle bricks, some duplo which she has yet to see as I had to wash it, a digger and some clothes. She has been really playing with the stickle bricks and seems to really like them. I am going to volunteer to help at the next one I think - they get first dibs!


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