Friday, November 23

Tired again

and down in the dumps with the darker evenings etc.

I love autumn but hate that time just after the clocks change when you have to work and can't get out and about in daylight. Cait is not sleeping well at the moment - teeth again I think as the biggies are coming through so I think it will be medised tonight to knock her out - as if she hasn't got enough to contend with with the chest infection which is still hanging around.

For the first time EVER she cried when I left the childminders - I don't know who was more suprised me or the childminder!!!!!!! I think a) we had a bad night last night and b) teething and c) chest infection and d) a lng week - lol has done her in - it certainly has me!

Stampin' up is up and running - like a one legged dog at the moment but I will get there. Am going to pop out at lunch time and put some flyers into places to try and drum up some passing trade at least and then hopefully from that a party or two. I am also looking into sponsorship of a forum so that I can advertise what I am up to at least and maybe get a few orders that way if not parties.


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