Sunday, June 24

Need some sunshine

These have a lovely sparkly sunflower paper that doesn't show up to well in the piccie but is just lovely in real life so had to have some even though it isn't a normal colour range for me.

The next few are some to use up some stylised flowers I made - the more I use these the more I like them - I used the teeny tiny buttons on them - they are so cute!

Its a bit like spot the difference though...... and finally a star card for the exam passers in my family - Hubby and brother both passed exams recently, my brother getting a 2:2 in aeronautical engineering following in his bigger brother's and my eldest younger brother's footsteps (ha - have I confused you :-) ) Very similar cards but painted slightly different in the star - I prefer this version I think - well I do today anyway and it will be winging its way to Little Bro soon. Hubby passed one on systems thinking that he didn't think he would pass but he actually did really well so he adds some more points towards his degree in the environment and technology which he is educating me in along the way!!

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