Friday, December 1

Friday already!

I can't believe it where has the week gone! I have been trying to work and mind Cait this week - she has been super poorly with this nasty cold, throat chest infection and also sickness and diorhea (sp) what a nightmare - had to put her liturally onto bread and water to get her cleared up. She is now back pretty much to herself although she didn't have a good night last night and is tired this morning and currently in her cot refusing to go back to sleep! This is a picture of her feeling sorry for herself and asking me (yes really) to put her back to bed! Bless her.

I am trying hard to make up some work hours so I don't lose masses of holiday in the process - I may have to give up next Friday and work to bring things back into line a bit. So I was struggling with the hours before this and now I need to do a few more! Ah well.

Couple more layouts from the other week - not been able to get anywhere near the room recently so nothing more just at the moment. Got a big Christmas fair sor to fthing on Sat for my jewellery so fingers crossed I sell a bit more than I have been.


1 comment:

Rhi said...

Aww get well soon Cait. Love your LO's and the little foldy book is fab. Hope the craft fair went well if it was today, or good luck if its next week! Rhi x